Methylene Ketone As a Cleaning Agent – An Overview

What is Methylene Ketone and what are its uses? Methylene Chloride is a popular brand of plasticizer that can be found in the majority of industrial products such as paints, resins, dyes, lacquer, and sealants. It has many uses, but the main factor that makes it so popular is that it’s cheap to use, yet very effective. It’s also easy to find in a number of different forms such as a liquid, powder, or sheets.

How to use Methylene Ketone in a polymerizing solution? Like with all solvents there are different ways to mix them with a certain amount of water. The way you mix them is called the “solvent mixture ratio” and there are four different values of solvents that can be mixed with water.

  • Acetone Solvent- This is the most widely used solvent. It has a high boiling point, it evaporates quickly, has a good evaporation rate, and is cheap to use. It can be easily combined with other solvents and it’s commonly used as a thixotropic solvent where the solvent can act as a catalyst and form a molecule with the substrate. This is the main reason why Methylene Chloride is also commonly used as a drying agent.
  • Ethylene Propylene Glycol Solvent- It is also called ethylene glycol, EPD Glycol, or Diethylene Glycol. This solvent has a low boiling point, it evaporates quickly, has a good evaporation rate, and is cheap to use. This solvent can be easily combined with other solvents and is also commonly used as a solvent recycling agent. Diethylene Glycol is often recycled back into ethylene glycol when mixed with propylene glycol, which in turn produces ethylene glycolic acid (EGA). This is another common way to recycle back organic solvents into glycol.
  • Isopropyl Alcohol- This is the most common alternative to Diethylene Glycol. This is a highly volatile liquid that is not soluble in water and therefore needs to be added to a carrier solution before use. It is very effective at dissolving metal oxides, oxidizing metals, precipitating gemstones, and also at breaking bonds. It is one of the most commonly used solvents for recycling because it has a very high boiling point, very good evaporation rate, easy to use, low toxicity and it is a cheap material to work with.

These are just some of the common solvents uses for men and they are the main products of this organic compound. One of the main concerns about using this compound is the production of methyl esters when it is recycled. A major concern is the use of mercury as an additive to these products as this can cause great health problems.

Another big problem is that mercury is used in a way that does not contribute to the creation of methyl esters and also in a way that has no impact on the environment. So it is not clear that MEK solvent is completely safe as a recycling solvent although it has very high boiling points and its use seems safer than other common solvent uses. It is, however, one of the safest and most cost-effective on-site solvent recycling options that can be found today.

There are many other common solvent uses including cleaning agents and pharmaceuticals but there are still many more that are less known. Some examples include the following: Methylene Ketone (MEK), Methylene Cholinesterate (MCL) and Butyl Acetate (BHA). These substances can be used in a wide range of applications including household cleaning agents and industrial cleaners. Although the use of MEK solvents has not yet reached the point where they can be seen as ‘green’ alternative to other common solvents, their continued use as a general commercial cleaning agent would remain beneficial for years to come.